Recording Studio In Orange CT
Audio Hotel Recording Studio
Need a song written or recorded? Do you need help with your song idea? Did you record a song and need a remix? Are you interested in Skype lessons or a session while you are hooked into Skype?
All these start with an inquiry at
You have recorded at a studio or at home and want another mix to consider for your final mix. Write in so we can discuss your tracks. When you purchase studio time, only sessions that happen will be charged. If your experience isn't great, you get a full refund!
You need help with your song idea. Usually a couple of songwriting sessions via skype can get it going in the correct direction. Write in for details. When you purchase studio time, only sessions that happen will be charged. If your experience isn't great, you get a full refund!
Want to learn guitar, bass, recording or vocals? Write in and let's get your webcam ready to go! When you purchase lesson time, only lessons that happen will be charged. If your experience isn't great, you get a full refund!
Want to be present for a session, but are miles away or just can't get out of where you are? Set up a skype session! Be in two places at once! Write in for details specific to your project. When you purchase studio time, only sessions that happen will be charged. If your experience isn't great, you get a full refund!